Safety Rules for your e-tron Foil

In addition to familiarising yourself with these safety rules, please ensure that you read the instruction manual carefully and in its entirety before using your e-tron foil for the first time. 

Safety Disclaimer

warning-flat-red-color-icon-vector-6076393-removebg-previewFailure to observe and follow the subsequent safety protocol may lead to serious injury or death. 

Letting Others Use your e-tron Foil

If you intend to let others use your e-tron foil it is your responsibility to ensure that:

  • the instruction manual is available to any driver for the duration the e-foil is used for.
  • any driver is instructed about all of the functions of the e-foil before their first ride. Only instructed drivers are permitted to drive an e-foil.
  • any driver is instructed about the intended use and necessity to wear proper protective equipment.

General Notes on Safety

  1. Always wear a helmet and personal flotation device (life vest) when using your e-tron foil.
  2. The water should be at least 1.5 metres deep throughout wherever you intend to ride. This is extremely important as an inadequate water depth may lead to serious injury and/or damage on your e-tron foil.
  3. Adhere to right-of-way and distance rules and always keep a generous safety distance to other water crafts and water sports enthusiasts.
  4. Move away from the shore only as far as you can swim.
  5. Always monitor your battery life while riding to ensure that you have enough battery left to return to your starting point, or safely to shore. Note that the maximum travel time (battery life) of your e-tron foil  is highly dependent on factors such as the wind, waves, current, choice of wing, rider weight, and average speed. 
  6. Do not look directly into the rear nozzle opening while running the propeller. Potential debris or other foreign bodies stuck in the propeller may be accelerated and fly out of the nozzle. 
  7. Only entrust qualified personnel with the maintenance and repair of your e-foil and never make any changes to the components on your own.